What is a Personal Brand and How Do You Develop One?

What is a personal brand? A personal brand is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that make you who you are and distinguish you from others. It is the way you present yourself to the world, including how you dress, communicate, and behave. A strong personal brand can help you stand out in […]

A Few Things About Me

Who the heck is this guy? So many of my clients even after working with me for 3+ years still don’t know a lot about me and my history.  they know the big parts, but there is a lot that most of my clients, followers and community don;t know about me, so I thought I […]

How to Market Your Coaching Business Online

How do you market your coaching business online? This is the big question that so many of our clients come to us asking.  So fear not we have got you on this.  There are so many ways to market a coaching business online that is can make you go a little cray-cray. Here are a […]

What is a Blog and How to Create Your First Blog Post

What is a Blog? Have you been dreaming and thinking about being creative and creating a blog for your website?  Well here are some tips to get you started, so you can create your first blog post and blog with confidence. A blog is a website or section of a website that contains regularly updated […]

How to Create Your Own Webinar Funnel

How do I create my own webinar funnel? Want to know how to create a webinar funnel? This is a question we get almost every single day. “Kenneth I have a coaching business and I want to create a webinar funnel for my business.  It’s so confusing how do I do it?”  That is the […]

What is a Marketing Funnel?

A common question we get is – What is a marketing funnel? A marketing funnel is a model that describes the journey a customer goes through when purchasing a product or service. The funnel is called a “funnel” because it starts with a large number of potential customers at the top and narrows down to […]

What’s the Best Marketing Strategy For My Biz?

How do I know what is the best marketing strategy for me? There is no one “best” marketing strategy that is right for every company or organization. The best strategy for you will depend on your specific goals, target audience, industry, and resources. Here are some steps you can take to identify the best marketing […]

Facebook Newsfeed Changes & What That Means For You

Facebook Newsfeed Changes & What That Means For You So on January Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announced some pretty significant changes to how the will view and treat your news feed going forward.  This will have major consequences for you as a content creating business owner.  These changes have been on the card for a while […]

Online Santa List For Entrepreneurs

Online Santa List For Entrepreneurs

Online Santa List For Entrepreneurs OK so it is coming up to Christmas time so I thought I would put together this Online Santa List For Entrepreneurs, so that you begin to manifest success into your life and business. #1 Awareness People need to become aware of who you are. If you are obscure nobody can […]