A Step-by-Step Guide to a Winning Social Media Content Strategy

Transform your Online Presence: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Winning Social Media Content Strategy

Have you been looking for a way to create a Social Media Content Strategy, but you’re not sure where or how to start?  Well, I recently recorded a video on how you can do so and also transcribed the video – so you read it all below.  Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel too.

Social Media Content Strategy – Here’s the Transcription from the above video

Hey, it’s Kenneth and welcome to this video.
Listen, this is not gonna be a fancy video in terms of design, but it’s gonna be a fancy
video in terms of content and helping you plan.
Now, why am I doing this video?
Well, I started off with a New Year’s resolution of this year.
I’m gonna create 10,000 pieces of content.
Uh, even though I’m an agency owner, we actually don’t do a lot of social media for our agency,
but we do that for our clients.
So, Um, what I decided was I am gonna show people how to actually go ahead and just start

executing without waiting for perfection.
So normally you would think about, oh, I have to get my YouTube channel, or fancy the intro.
All of this stuff.
That’s not the way I operate.
I operate on when I have an idea.
I take action on that idea.
Follow my gut, I follow my intuition and execute.
Once I start executing, I can then start refining everything, making it fancy, creating processes,

SOPs, et cetera.
So what I wanna share with you now is I want to share with you a content [00:01:00] plan,

a plan for you to manage your social media and become a little bit more effective at
Okay, so here we are, right?
Here’s your little social media content planner.
Let me increase this in size, will you?
So what you would want to do right is step one is you’d want to identify your content

Now this is assuming exactly that you know who you are as a brand and the people that
you want to serve.
Et c.
Once you know who you are as a brand, you start identifying your content pillars.
In this case, I have three content pillars, and maybe for you it’s gonna be one or two

or four.
Don’t try and get more than sort of three or four because then it gets confusing.

In terms of your brand, et cetera.
But I do know people that have about four pillars around which they speak.
For me, I have three pillars.
It’s marketing money and mindset, right?
So [00:02:00] I’ll be speaking about those three things for my brand, developing my personal
Because my bus, my company at the top has, is me.
And then I have a marketing agency, which has been running for 12 years.
And then I have a personal development company, which has been running for about eight or
nine years.
Uh, but the, the marketing agency has been running the longest.
So those are my two businesses.
But there’s overlap there.
There’s marketing mindset here and money.
And here there’s.
Align with, with the, uh, mindset, money, and not so much marketing, but more business.

So those are my content pillars that I’m gonna speak around those broad categories.
Now, I also need to identify, step two is identify my content type.

So on the left hand column here, you’ll see that for me.
. The best thing that I want to do is, uh, well, the three approaches that I want to
take rather than the best thing is focus on these two things is am I gonna be informing
Am I gonna be educating people or entertaining people?[00:03:00]
For me, it’s gonna be less about entertainment.
I’m not a funny guy.
I’m not trying to be funny.
I’m not really good at entertainment, but I am pretty good at teaching and educating
and then also helping people make in, make informed decisions, sort of like this.
This is educat.
And information.
So once I’ve decided on, on with those three content pillars, These are sort of, uh, themes

that I want to follow in terms of the content type.
Then I can say, okay, I’ve got images that I can create.
There’s video I can create, there’s audio I can create, there’s text.
I can create what works for you.
All right?
What, what is your preference?
Because if you commit to a video platform, but you can’t stand being in pla on, on video,
it’s gonna become a problem for.
And then you also gotta decide, do you want to do long form or short form right now as
we are recording this 2023, beginning of 2023.
And it’s already been happening for years.
Short form.
Short form content is really on the rise, right?
So they think about the short TikTok ads, even though [00:04:00] some of the longer
TikTok ads are now getting, uh, more, uh, sort of.
Uh, SEO and, and, and, uh, traction.
Think of Tik TikTok originally.
Think of Instagram reels. 90 seconds Facebook reels. 90 seconds, they’ll probably increase.
A, a YouTube shorts is really where a lot of stuff is happening, and those are only
60 seconds.
So think about what is your preference?
Do you like short stuff or do you like, You know, the, the long kind of content, and that’s
the, the same thing goes for your text.
And your audio is, uh, the same, same thing applies.
So step three, once you’ve done that, you need to think about, okay, while I’m gonna

go create my, my plan, my, my schedule, before I get there, what are my objectives for my

Brand awareness, and it doesn’t have to be either or.
It should encompass all of these to be honest.
Brand awareness, lead generation, sales engagement.
So that’s comments, thumbs, locks up all of those things.
Or building community, right?
Your, your content should hit all of [00:05:00] those, and I would say, There’s no right way

or wrong way unless you’re doing too much selling.
Or the other thing that most people are guilty of is they give all this great content, but
they never ask for the sale.
So I would say 80 20 is a great rule.
So 80% brand awareness, lead generation, engagement, building community, 20% making this sale.

Okay, so once you’ve identified your objectives, Uh, overall, now you can stop thinking about

everything in a more sort of structured and strategic way.
Step four is then going and defining your bio persona.
Who’s this person that you’re speaking to now?
You might have multiple bio personas, right?
I’m gonna give you one example here.
So what you want to do is whenever you’re creating a post, you want to be thinking about
this persona that you’re speaking to.
Don’t trust, speak to many people.
Otherwise, you won’t be speaking to anybody.
Zone in and focus on this one person.
So, you know, you can create an an image, you know, use Canva.
Go create an image of your [00:06:00] ideal client or your buyer persona, and write out
sort of things.
You know, give them a name.
What is their age range or approximation?
What is their status?
Are they married?
Do they have kids?
Are they divorced?
Are they single?
Whatever, whatever.
What’s their education level?
Uh, what’s, say occupation, either job specific or, or industry, you know, what is their income
Are they in a certain location?
And then give a description of the bio persona.
So, for example, hey, this is Shelly.
And Shelly, you know, is a full-time chiropractor, but she’s raising two kids on her weekends.

She loves to, uh, you know, do photography and travel with her family and go on adventure

trips, but her true passion is really in mountaineering.
And she wants to make that a full-time job, you know?
So now I’m developing her persona.
I’m talking, I’m describing this person.
So whatever hobbies and interest, interest, I’ve already spoken about that.
Traveling, photography, uh, adventure trips, hacking, but also this passion for rock climbing.

So what are [00:07:00] some of her personal characteristic?
You know, she’s ambitious.
She has a big vision.
She’s kind, she’s very generous.
She’s patient, you know, so whatever goals are, transition from this chiropractic business
to a full-time rock climbing business.
Uh, what is the challenges?
Well, she doesn’t want to.
She doesn’t know where to start.
She might not have the savings.
She has to try to do it on a budget or whatever, you know, speak to all her challenges.
Then you want to think about, okay, I like to do video.
This is my bio persona.
This is the age range, so what’s the best platform for me?
Is it one or two of these, or is it all of them?
I wouldn’t start off by doing all of them.
I’d I focus on one or.
, right?
Master that platform and then, uh, move to the others.
So based on your bio persona or your ideal client, what platform would they be hanging
out on?
Um, and then based on what you like to create in terms of the type of content, video, audio,

et [00:08:00] cetera, where is the overlap there?
Because that’s with overlap where your ideal audiences or your bio persona is, and you.
That’s where you should be spending your time.
So once you have all this information written out, then you can come up to your posting

, right?
And you can start planning out, okay, how many of my core pillars do I want to hit each
Do I wanna hit, uh, one of them each week?
Or maybe at the end of this month, you know that you’re gonna be doing a launch of a program,

or you wanna focus on selling one of your courses or one of your services.
So maybe you dedicate one or two weeks.
It’s all about your one.
And then, you know, you think about, okay, so what am I gonna talk about?
Uh, which persona am I hitting and what type of content am I gonna be doing?
Is it, is it image, is it video, whatever, and is it information, education, entertainment,

or is this, um, also going to be, let’s go back up to step [00:09:00] two here cuz I’ve

just forgotten every , everything.
Uh, sorry.
Step three, is this a lead generation?
Is this a building community, inviting people to my groups, et cetera?
So these are the questions that you have to ask yourself before you go plan, because anybody
can just pull up a calendar and say, okay, on Thursday I’m gonna do this.
But then you don’t have a plan.
So what I, what I typically do is when I have all these inform bits of information under
each pillar, I go, right, all the ideas that I have on that topic about money based on

my persona.
So for example, if I go back to this persona, if I look at her goals and challenges, uh,

her goals as well.
I wanna start my own business, but I wanna start small.
How can I build this business, uh, on a low budget?
How can I do this while having a full-time job?
These are all questions which give you ideas to create content under each one of your pillars.
Now, the challenge is the same thing, right?
So that’s when I write out all these, all these ideas, questions, and I can say, okay,
this one’s a text image, [00:10:00] uh, video, audio, et cetera.

And this one’s gonna be lead gen, et cetera.
I, I do it on a spreadsheet or even on a piece of paper to start, and then I can come here

and I can start filling the calendar and planning everything and then scheduling it up, right?

So what you want to do is wanna write out your post ideas for each one of those pillars.
Like I said, decide on the content top.
Ensure you’re checking off one of each one of your content objectives.
Lead generation brand awareness.
You get it right?
And then like I said, once you refine that, you start inserting this into your, into your
calendar and schedule.
Now the final step is you want to measure and adjust.
Now, don’t get too crazy about this in the beginning, because if you’re starting out,
you’re not gonna have a lot of exposure.
But just get going.
Just put it out there and you can start coming back and start looking at the results of your
posts and make informed decisions about where you want to adjust, where you want to spend

less time, less [00:11:00] energy, and where you need to spend more time, more energy,
and amplify.
And you can measure things like the number of views, the reach, the number of clicks,
the number of comments, shares, lacks.
. You know, if you get a lead generation, how many leads or if it’s sales, how many
sales you get, or if you’re inviting people to your community, how many people join your
com community, you know, people that become followers, et cetera, et cetera.
So these are the things that you want to think about as you’re planning art, your content

for the year, uh, for the month, for the weeks.
So this way you can have a plan of action.
You can actually have a strategy.
And it’ll reduce all the overwhelm, reduce all the frustration, the anxiety around creating

this and the stress and pressure that comes along when you’re trying to just post haphazardly.
So give it a try.
Let me know if this helps you, and I’ll see you in the next video.
This is the end of video one, so thank you.

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