Starting Your Life Coaching Business – A Quick Guide

Starting Your Life Coaching Business

I thought I would put together a quick start guide on how you go about starting your life coaching business.  This is just a very brief starting point to get you thinking and to start taking the first steps.

  1. Develop your coaching niche: Determine the specific area or areas of life coaching that you want to specialize in.
  2. Get certified (optional – life experience counts for more): Consider getting certified as a life coach through a reputable organization.
  3. Build a website: Create a professional website to showcase your services and attract clients.
  4. Develop a marketing strategy: Decide how you will promote your business and attract clients, such as through social media, networking, or paid advertising.
  5. Network: Attend industry events, join professional organizations and make connections with other coaches and potential clients.
  6. Set your rates and create packages: Determine how much you will charge for your services and create package options for clients.
  7. Get insurance: Get professional liability insurance to protect your business and clients.
  8. Create a schedule and set boundaries: Set your working hours and make sure to have time for yourself and your personal life.
  9. Create policies and procedures: Develop policies and procedures for working with clients, such as cancellation policies, and document these in a client agreement.
  10. Continuously educate yourself: Stay up-to-date with the latest coaching techniques and research in the field by attending workshops, webinars, and reading books.

I create other posts to get you started online and go a little deeper into each one of the above areas.

For now, just get thinking and start putting the wheels into motion.

To your success.


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