Do you need Content Marketing?

Content Marketing Basics

Google and Search Engines love content and so do website visitors.  Content marketing has always been a very important piece of SEO for any online business and that has become even more true, with Google’s algorithm updates.

In a nutshell, if you have a killer Content Marketing strategy, then you will rise up Google search rankings and also provide VALUE to your viewers.

We are all publishers online, so we are all creating Content.  The difference between being successful and just one of the crowd or noise online is the amount of quality content you have.

The Content Marketing Institute defines Content Marketing as follows:

Content marketing is the strategic marketing approach of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

With that in mind here a couple of how you can get started and make it happen for your business:

  1. What is your goal for your CM strategy? Website visitors, emails, Social Media, Client engagement etc.
  2. Who is your target audience?  How many different profiles are there for your target audience?
  3. Create a strategy that address the needs and problems of your target audience.
  4. Know who will be responsible for implementing your CM strategy.
  5. Measure your performance over time, in order to see what works and what doesn’t
  6. Be Consistent and persistent.
  7. Give it time – this is not a race, you are building an online business over time.
  8. Get started today – take even the smallest step.


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